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KNOT-O, The KNOT Ontology

Release 2023-06-30

Latest version:
Laurent Fintoni, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi
Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica - FICLIT
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Laurent Fintoni, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi. KNOT Data Model Ontology. Revision: 1.2.


The KNOT Ontology (KNOT-O) expresses the KNOT Data Model (KNOT-DM) in RDF. It brings together existing and complementary ontological entities from three primary standards — DCAT, PROV-O, and CIDOC-CRM — for the purpose of describing digital scholarly activity and objects as examples of the digital cultural heritage of Italian universities.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Namespace Declarations
  3. Overview
  4. Description
  5. Classes
  6. Object Properties
  7. Data Properties

Introduction back to ToC

The KNOT Ontology (KNOT-O) connects complementary ontological entities from existing standards — DCAT, PROV-O, and CIDOC-CRM — to provide metadata for the description of digital scholarly activity and objects as examples of the digital cultural heritage of Italian universities. It was developed as part of the KNOT pilot project within the Digital Humanities Advanced Research Center (/DH.ARC), part of the FICLIT department at the University of Bologna.

For more details on the KNOT project and its goals, please see the website.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document

KNOT-O, The KNOT Ontology: Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

KNOT-O, The KNOT Ontology: Description back to ToC

KNOT-O is an expression of the KNOT-DM in RDF for the purpose of describing digital scholarly activity and objects as examples of the digital cultural heritage of Italian universities. It is used to publish the metadata generated by the KNOT pilot project as Linked Open Data so as to maximize its interoperability both within the Digital Library initiative from the Italian Ministry of Culture and across the internet. KNOT-DM is freely available for universities, and other interested parties, to use to model their own data for independent use or to allow its inclusion within the KNOT pilot project.

KNOT-DM is organized in three segments that reflect the specificities of the different domains covered by the data model (see the website for more details). Each segment makes use of concepts from an internationally recognized standard to describe entities, activities, agents, themes, and spatio-temporal information. The segments and their relative standards are:

  • Public data: digital scholarly objects as examples of public data. For this KNOT-O makes use of the W3C RDF Vocabulary DCAT as well as its European and Italian Application Profiles.
  • Academic provenance: digital scholarly activity and outputs as examples of academic activity and production. KNOT-O models this using the PROV Ontology (PROV-O), chosen because it is already integrated into DCAT.
  • Cultural heritage information: digital scholarly activity tasks (such as digitization processes) and digital scholarly objects as examples of digital cultural heritage. This is modeled using the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM) and its extensions, in particular CRMdig, which models the production of digital objects and offers various activity concepts that align with standard academic research project practices, and LRMoo, which is primarily used to enable relations with the WEMI model of FRBR.

Taken together, these three segments offer the necessary descriptive flexibility required by the KNOT pilot project.

The figures below summarise the core of the KNOT-DM by highlighting key classes (yellow boxes) and properties (arrows) from each standard and their interconnection as well as relationship to the entities (pink dots) central to the project.

KNOT-DM allows the following information to be described (please see the KNOT-DM documentation as well as the KNOT-O definitions below for further details on components and usage):

  • Research project activity — who, what, where, when, and how.
    • This can be modeled using PROV-O elements centered on the prov:Activity class, with an extension of the prov:wasInformedBy property to also include the CRMdig D7 Digital Machine Event class in its range, thus creating a connection between more traditional provenance information and provenance information that relates to cultural heritage information.
    • CIDOC CRM and its extensions can be used to model more specific aspects of the overall activity, such as tasks or sub-activities. This is based on the class D7 (a subclass of CIDOC’s E7 Activity) which can be used to refer to generic activities that involve digital devices and the creation of digital objects. Two subclasses of D7 are also included, D2 Digitization Process and D10 Software Execution, to provide further specificity for common activities such as digitization of physical objects or the use of software on digital objects.
  • Research project outputs — the digital objects created by research project activities can be represented regardless of their form as public datasets (DCAT), digital objects (CRMdig), or entities (PROV-O) all of which can be connected to activities.
    • The ontology is intended to be flexible enough to enable the description of various possible outputs such as software, websites, documentation, web services, and data collections. The specificity of each output can be detailed using thematic properties such as dcat:theme and dct:type which take values from controlled vocabularies.
    • In addition to being conceptualized as a form of activity, research projects are also conceptualized as a type of output within the DCAT segment of the model in order to act as a container for other research outputs (see FIG TK). This conceptualization is intended to primarily represent research projects websites, where outputs and documentation are often collected together in one place and therefore act as a type of data catalog under the DCAT definition.
  • Research project inputs — the entities that feed a research project such as physical items, people, places, and themes articulated as research questions.
  • The agents responsible for creating and publishing research projects and outputs, from the individual to the organization via organizational units (such as departments or laboratories) and their locations.
  • Relationships between research outputs and external entities as well as between outputs across different research projects.
    • This can be modeled using PROV-O properties such prov:wasInfluencedBy and prov:wasDerivedFrom, which enable connections between activities and/or entities, the dct:HasVersion / isVersionOf property within DCAT, to connect versions or derivations of datasets, and the crmdig:L10_had_input / L11_had_output property within CRMdig, to note how digital objects can be used to create further objects.
  • The spatial and temporal information recorded in research project outputs, such as for example the places mentioned in a text or the time period covered by the data.
  • Themes such as the type of research activity, the type of outputs, the technologies used, the academic disciplines involved, and the primary and secondary subjects of research. These themes are described using a selection of specific controlled vocabularies and authorities (see the Authority Records and Controlled Vocabularies section on our website for further details).

Cross-reference for KNOT Data Model Ontology classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by KNOT Data Model Ontology.


Activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of activity, the data model conceptualizes research projects as examples of activities using E7_Activity (in the cultural heritage context) and prov:Activity (in the provenance context), which conceptualizes activity as related to time as well as acting upon entities. The DCAT model includes a clear connection between the dataset class and the activity class via the prov:wasGeneratedBy property which is a starting point for the KNOT Data Model's dual conceptualization of research projects as both activity and datasets that contain other datasets (dcat:Catalog). In this sense, a research project is an activity that generates a container that holds all of the output of the activity. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
is in domain of
at location op, ended at dp, generated op, started at dp, used op, was associated with op, was informed by op
is in range of
was generated by op

Agentc back to ToC or Class ToC


An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact) [...] that does stuff.

Usage Note Two classes from the Org Ontology are also included to help further clarify the organizational structure behind foaf:Agent, such as when a department is responsible for a research project but it itself is part of the wider organization that is its university. The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues.

Is defined by
has sub-classes
Organization c
is in range of
creator op, publisher op

Agent (PROV-O)c back to ToC or Class ToC


An agent is something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's activity.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues.

Is defined by
is in domain of
acted on behalf of op
is in range of
acted on behalf of op, was associated with op

Cataloguec back to ToC or Class ToC


A catalogue or repository that hosts the Datasets or Data Services being described (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This class is intended to represent research projects as containers (rather than activities) for outputs, which are themselves conceptualized using the DCAT dataset and data service classes. The most common example of such containers would be websites where the project and its outputs are documented, shared, and, sometimes, made available for interaction. While the KNOT Data Model refers to the DCAT AP definition, the W3C definition of the catalogue class, as "a curated collection of metadata about resources (e.g., datasets and data services in the context of a data catalog)", is also useful as is the usage note that web-base data catalogs are typically represented as a single instance of the class. Furthermore, the W3C version of DCAT explicitly makes dcat:Catalog a subclass of dcat:Dataset, allowing to conceptualize the research project as container as another form of output from the research project as activity. See the KNOT Data Model documentation on our website for practical examples.

Is defined by
has super-classes
Dataset c
is in domain of
dataset op, has part op, homepage op, record op, service op, theme taxonomy op, description dp, issued dp, modified dp, title dp, keyword dp
is in range of
primary topic op

Catalogue Recordc back to ToC or Class ToC


A description of a Dataset’s entry in the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
is in domain of
primary topic op, issued dp, modified dp, title dp
is in range of
record op

Conceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


Is defined by
is in range of
status op, theme op, type op

Concept Schemec back to ToC or Class ToC


Is defined by
is in range of
theme taxonomy op

D1 Digital Objectc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises identifiable immaterial items that can be represented as sets of bit sequences, such as data sets, e-texts, images, audio or video items, software, etc., and are documented as single units. Any aggregation of instances of D1 Digital Object into a whole treated as single unit is also regarded as an instance of D1 Digital Object.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. This class should be used to represent outputs of research project activity, with a focus on their quality as examples of digital cultural heritage produced and maintained by Italian universities, within the cultural heritage segment of the KNOT Data Model.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E70 Thing c
has sub-classes
D14 Software c, D9 Data Object c
is in domain of
P106 is composed of op
is in range of
L10 had input op, L11 had output op, P106 is composed of op, L2 used as source op

D10 Software Executionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises events by which a digital device runs a software program or a series of computing operations on a digital object as a single task, which is completely determined by its digital input, the software and the generic properties of the device.

Usage Note This class is intended as the primary representation of a sub-activity within a research project activity that involves using software or computational operations on a digital object, such as for example creating data visualizations or statistical operations on a text corpus. KNOT-DM does not restrict the computing operations to a single task. The specific details of the software execution are outside the scope of the KNOT-DM.

Is defined by
has super-classes
D7 Digital Machine Event c
is in domain of
L2 used as source op

D14 Softwarec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises software codes,computer programs,procedures, and functions that are used to operate a system of digital objects.

Usage Note This class should be used to represent conceptual versions of software: software as an example of the output of a research project; and software used in a research project activity (instance of D7_Digital_Machine_Event) and further qualified by using the KNOT Technology Thesaurus.

Is defined by
has super-classes
D1 Digital Object c
is in range of
L23 used software or firmware op

D2 Digitization Processc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises events that result in the creation of instances of D9 Data Object that represent the appearance and/or form of an instance of E18 Physical Thing such as paper documents, statues, buildings, paintings, etc. A particular case is the analogue-to-digital conversion of audiovisual material. This class represents the transition from a material thing to an immaterial representation of it.

Usage Note This class is intended as the primary representation of a sub-activity within a research project that involves digitizing physical objects to create digital copies. Such copies may then form part of the research project's output, whether or not they go through further processes. The details of the digitization process, such as whether or not a digital object is further changed before arriving at the final form included in an official output, while able to be described by the CRM DIG model are outside the scope of the KNOT Data Model.

Is defined by
has super-classes
D7 Digital Machine Event c
is in domain of
L1 digitized op, L60 documents op

D7 Digital Machine Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises events that happen on physical digital devices following a human activity that intentionally caused its immediate or delayed initiation and results in the creation of a new instance of D1 Digital Object on behalf of the human actor. The input of a D7 Digital Machine Event may be parameter settings and/or data to be processed. Some D7 Digital Machine Events may form part of a wider E65 Creation event. In this case, all machine output of the partial events is regarded as creation of the overall activity.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. This class should be used to represent a research project as an example of activity within the cultural heritage segment of the data model. As such this class indicates the cultural heritage dimension of the research project activity, by focusing on how research projects make use of existing cultural heritage entities to produce new digital objects. By contrast, the research project activity under the PROV-O model does not have this cultural heritage association and is meant to represent its academic provenance.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E7 Activity c
has sub-classes
D10 Software Execution c, D2 Digitization Process c
is in domain of
P14 carried out by op, L10 had input op, L11 had output op, L20 has created op, P7 took place at op, L23 used software or firmware op
is in range of
was informed by op

D9 Data Objectc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises instances of D1 Digital Object that are the direct result of a digital measurement or a formal derivative of it, containing quantitative properties of some physical things or other constellations of matter.

Usage Note This class should be used to represent the outputs of D2 Digitization Process and which, as noted in the scope note for the D2 class, may represent the outputs of a research project activity.

Is defined by
has super-classes
D1 Digital Object c
is in range of
L20 has created op

Data Servicec back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This class is intended to represent web services that give access to datasets and/or data processing functions. In many cases these web services may well be part of the same website that is also conceptualized as an individual of the dcat:Catalog class, therefore a research project's website may fulfill the conceptual function of both a container for the project's outputs by collecting the relevant (meta)data in one place and a web service that gives access to the underlying data(sets) and data processing functions to interact with the data(sets) such as search functionalities (to use one of the most common examples). The KNOT Data Model also refers to the usage guide note about distinctions between data service and distribution included in the DCAT AP 2.1.1 release that makes the following points: "a data service is an entity in its own right" that "provides access to datasets or data processing functions"; a distribution is "not required to be the result of the data service operations"; "anything that has not the intend to provide a downloadable representation of a dataset is a data service, [they] offer smarter, more interactive ways to the data". See the KNOT Data Model documentation on our website for practical examples.

Is defined by
is in domain of
endpoint URL op, endpoint description op, serves dataset op, description dp, issued dp, modified dp, title dp, keyword dp
is in range of
access service op, service op, primary topic op

Datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more representations (W3C DCAT documentation).

Usage Note This class is intended to represent digital outputs of research projects, whatever their 'form'. As such an annotated textual corpus, a piece of software written in Java, and a relational database storing information about physical items can all be conceptualized as a dataset, with the research project that led to their creation conceptualized within the DCAT segment of the KNOT Data Model as the catalogue that holds their (meta)data and the website that makes it possible to interact with them conceptualized as the data service (the research project as activity is conceptualized with classes from PROV-O and CIDOC CRM). See the KNOT Data Model documentation on our website for practical examples.

Is defined by
has sub-classes
Catalogue c
is in domain of
accrual periodicity op, distribution op, has version op, identifier dp, is referenced by op, is version of op, landing page op, other identifier op, relation op, description dp, issued dp, modified dp, title dp, keyword dp
is in range of
dataset op, has version op, is version of op, serves dataset op, primary topic op

Distributionc back to ToC or Class ToC


An accessible form of a dataset such as a downloadable file (W3C DCAT documentation).

Usage Note This class is intended to represent the downloadable forms that a dataset can take. While both the W3C and DCAT AP definitions could be interpreted as covering non-downloable forms (one can access a dataset via a web interface and never actually have access to the underlying data itself on a local machine), within the context of the KNOT Data Model the distribution class explicitly refers only to downloadable forms. As with the data service class, we make close reference to the DCAT AP 2.1.1 usage guide note on distinctions between distribution and data service, which makes it clear that while datasets and data services are entities in their own right a distribution cannot exist without its dataset. It further states: "distributions are specific representations of a dataset, described with the intend to facilitate the delivery of the data as file to a reuser. The access URL (preferably download URL) will provide a simple way to obtain (download) the content of the dataset in the representation specified by the distribution. The obtained (downloaded) content is fully determined by the publisher of the distribution. Only after obtaining the data the (re)user can change the data according to its needs. "

Is defined by
is in domain of
access URL op, access service op, byte size dp, compress format op, download URL dp, format op, status op, description dp, issued dp, modified dp, title dp
is in range of
distribution op

Documentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Represents those things which are, broadly conceived, 'documents'.

Usage Note With regards to the usage note in the FOAF documentation that states it does not make a distinction between physical and electronic documents within this class, the KNOT Data Model primarily uses this class for electronic documents.

Is defined by
is in range of
homepage op, landing page op, page op

E1 CRM Entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises all things in the universe of discourse of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model.

Usage Note This class is included to allow for flexibility when describing entities related to instances of F3 Manifestation and D2 Digitization Process via the appropriate properties.

Is defined by
has sub-classes
E39 Actor c, E53 Place c, E7 Activity c, E70 Thing c, F3 Manifestatiion c
is in range of
L60 documents op, P129 is about op

E18 Physical Thingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises all persistent physical items with a relatively stable form, human-made or natural.

Usage Note Should be used for objects used in the digitization process and acts as the superclass for the F5 Item class in LRMoo/FRBRoo.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E70 Thing c
has sub-classes
F5 Item c
is in range of
L1 digitized op

E39 Actorc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises people, either individually or in groups, who have the potential to perform intentional actions of kinds for which someone may be held responsible.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of people or entities involved in research projects, the PROV-O definition underlines the responsibility of an agent towards an activity or entity whereas the FOAF definition focuses on the aspect of doing and the CIDOC CRM definition focuses on the potential of actors to do things. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT-DM makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E1 CRM Entity c
is in range of
P14 carried out by op

E53 Placec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises extents in the natural space we live in, in particular on the surface of the Earth, in the pure sense of physics: independent from temporal phenomena and matter.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of places related to a research project, the data model also makes use of dct:Location, which bears close conceptual resemblance to E53_Place in a simplified way, and prov:Location, which conceptualizes location as both geographical and non-geographical. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT-DM makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E1 CRM Entity c
is in range of
P7 took place at op

E7 Activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises actions intentionally carried out by instances of E39 Actor that result in changes of state in the cultural, social, or physical systems documented.

Usage Note This class is included as the superclass for D7 Digital Machine Event. The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of activity, the data model conceptualizes research projects as examples of activities using E7 (in the cultural heritage context) and prov:Activity (in the provenance context), which conceptualizes activity as related to time as well as acting upon entities. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT-DM makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E1 CRM Entity c
has sub-classes
D7 Digital Machine Event c
is in domain of
P16 used specific object op

E70 Thingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This general class comprises discrete, identifiable, instances of E77 Persistent Item that are documented as single units, that either consist of matter or depend on being carried by matter and are characterized by relative stability. They may be intellectual products or physical things. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be a logical concept or structure.

Usage Note This class is included as the superclass for D1 Digital Object and range for P106 property.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E1 CRM Entity c
has sub-classes
D1 Digital Object c, E18 Physical Thing c
is in range of
P16 used specific object op

Entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An entity is a physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspects; entities may be real or imaginary.

Usage Note The KNOT Data Model brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage, provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the academic provenance segment of the data model, an entity is primarily intended to represent research outputs (which can also be conceptualized as instances of crmdig:D1_Digital_Object and dcat:Dataset in the other segments of the data model) or things that have a relationship to the research project such as objects that are digitized or primary subjects of research. For example, a dataset produced by a research project would be an instance of dcat:Dataset, crmdig:D1_Digital_Object (produced by a D7 class activity) and prov:Entity (generated by a prov:Activity) while a historical figure that is the subject of the research may be an instance of prov:Entity and crm:E1_Entity.

Is defined by
is in domain of
value op, was derived from op
is in range of
generated op, used op, was derived from op

F3 Manifestatiionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises products rendering one or more Expressions. A Manifestation is defined by both the overall content and the form of its presentation. The substance of F3 Manifestation is not only signs, but also the manner in which they are presented to be consumed by users, including the kind of media adopted.

Usage Note This class is defined based on the LRMoo v0.9 documentation. It is included to represent the manifestations that are materialized in instances of F5 Item and which can be about an E1 CRM Entity, and which are tied to digitization processes and digital machine events such as for example the transformation of a text into a linguistic corpus.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E1 CRM Entity c
is in domain of
P219 is about op
is in range of
R7 is materialization of op

F5 Itemc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class comprises physical objects (printed books, scores, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMS, etc.) that were produced by (P186i) an industrial process involving a given instance of F3 Manifestation. As a result, all the instances of F5 Item associated with a given instance of F3 Manifestation are expected to carry the content defined in that instance of F3 Manifestation, although some or even all of them may happen to carry a content that significantly differs from it, due to either an accident in the course of industrial production, or subsequent physical modification or degradation.

Usage Note This class is defined from the LRMoo v0.9 documentation. It is included to represent the items that materialize instances of F3 Manifestation, and which are tied to digitization processes and digital machine events such as for example the transformation of a text into a linguistic corpus.

Is defined by
has super-classes
E18 Physical Thing c
is in domain of
R7 is materialization of op, L1 digitized op

Frequencyc back to ToC or Class ToC


A rate at which something recurs.

Usage Note Uses values from the EU Frequency authority table (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
is in range of
accrual periodicity op

Identifierc back to ToC or Class ToC


An identifier in a particular context, consisting of the content string that is the identifier; an optional identifier for the identifier scheme; an optional identifier for the version of the identifier scheme; an optional identifier for the agency that manages the identifier scheme.

Is defined by
is in range of
other identifier op

License Documentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource.

Usage Note Uses values from the Licenze controlled vocabulary (DCAT AP IT documentation).

Is defined by
is in range of
license op

Linguistic Systemc back to ToC or Class ToC


A system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, or rules used in communication.

Usage Note Uses values from the EU Language authority table (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
is in range of
language op

Locationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A spatial region or named place.

Usage Note Uses values from Geonames and Wikidata. The KNOT-DM brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage information, academic provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of places related to a research project, the data model also makes use of dct:Location and crm:E53_Place, which refer specifically to geographical places. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT-DM makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
is in range of
spatial op

Location (PROV-O)c back to ToC or Class ToC


A location can be an identifiable geographic place (ISO 19112), but it can also be a non-geographic place such as a directory, row, or column. As such, there are numerous ways in which location can be expressed, such as by a coordinate, address, landmark, and so forth.

Usage Note The KNOT-DM brings together three different 'segments' - public data, cultural heritage information, academic provenance - each based around a standard that includes classes which refer to similar concepts but which are respectively defined with enough difference that individuals should be assigned each class (as appropriate) to avoid issues. In the case of places related to a research project, the data model also makes use of dct:Location and crm:E53_Place, which refer specifically to geographical places. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT-DM makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
is in range of
at location op

Media Typec back to ToC or Class ToC


A file format or physical medium.

Usage Note Uses values from the EU File Type authority table (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-classes
Media Type Or Extent. c
is in range of
compress format op

Media Type Or Extent.c back to ToC or Class ToC


Media type or extent.

Usage Note Uses values from the EU File Type authority table where possible (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has sub-classes
Media Type c
is in range of
format op

Organizationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures.

Usage Note This class should be used to help represent the organizational structure of the entities responsible for research projects, such as departments and/or laboratories that are part of universities.

Is defined by
has super-classes
Agent c
has sub-classes
Organizational Unit c
is in domain of
has unit op, preferred label dp

Organizational Unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Organization such as a department or support unit which is part of some larger Organization and only has full recognition within the context of that Organization. In particular the unit would not be regarded as a legal entity in its own right.

Usage Note This class should be used to represent entities such as departments or laboratories which are often responsible for creating research projects and their outputs.

Is defined by
has super-classes
Organization c
is in domain of
preferred label dp
is in range of
has unit op

Period of Timec back to ToC or Class ToC


An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end dates.

Usage Note Uses values from Wikidata.

Is defined by
is in range of
temporal op

Rights Statementc back to ToC or Class ToC


A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights.

Usage Note This class is primarily intended to cover rights outside the scope of the Licenze controlled vocabulary, such as copyright statements.

Is defined by
is in range of
access rights op, rights op

Standardc back to ToC or Class ToC


A reference point against which other things can be evaluated or compared.

Is defined by
is in range of
conforms to op

Object Properties

access rightsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to information that indicates whether the Dataset is open data, has access restrictions or is not public.

Usage Note Use one of the following values (:public, :restricted, :non-public) from the EU Access Right authority table (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
rights op
has domain
Resource c
has range
Rights Statement c

access serviceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a data service that gives access to the distribution of the dataset.

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Data Service c

access URLop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property contains a URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. The resource at the access URL may contain information about how to get the Dataset.

Usage Note For direct downloads use dcat:downloadURL.

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Resource c

accrual periodicityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to the frequency at which the Dataset is updated.

Is defined by
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Frequency c

acted on behalf ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


An object property to express the accountability of an agent towards another agent. The subordinate agent acted on behalf of the responsible agent in an actual activity.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Agent (PROV-O) c
has range
Agent (PROV-O) c

at locationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A location can be an identifiable geographic place (ISO 19112), but it can also be a non-geographic place such as a directory, row, or column. As such, there are numerous ways in which location can be expressed, such as by a coordinate, address, landmark, and so forth.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as crm:P7_took_place_at within the activity provenance segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has domain
Activity c
has range
Location (PROV-O) c

carried out byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property describes the active participation of an instance of E39 Actor in an instance of E7 Activity. It implies causal or legal responsibility.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as dct:creator/publisher and prov:wasAssociatedWith within the cultural heritage segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
E39 Actor c

compress formatop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to the format of the file in which the data is contained in a compressed form.

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Media Type c

conforms toop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to an Application Profile, implementing rule or other specification, or established schema that the subject class conforms to (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has domain
Catalogue Record c or Dataset c or Distribution c
has range
Standard c

creatorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to entities responsible for the creation of the subject class (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as crm:P14_carried_out_by and prov:wasAssociatedWith within the public data segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

has super-properties
contributor op
has domain
Catalogue c or Dataset c
has range
Agent c

datasetop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property links the Catalogue with a Dataset that is part of the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
has part op
has domain
Catalogue c
has range
Dataset c

digitizedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of D2 Digitization Process with an instance of E18 Physical Thing which is a material thing.

Usage Note This property should be used to describe digitization processes within a research process.

Is defined by
has domain
D2 Digitization Process c
has range
E18 Physical Thing c or F5 Item c

distributionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property links the Dataset to an available Distribution (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Distribution c

documentsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property describes the CRM Entities documented by instances of Digitization Processes.

Usage Note Can be used to attach relevant entities to a research project activity.

Is defined by
has domain
D2 Digitization Process c
has range
E1 CRM Entity c

download URLop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property contains a URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Resource c

endpoint descriptionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property contains a description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc. The property gives specific details of the actual endpoint instances, while dct:conformsTo is used to indicate the general standard or specification that the endpoints implement (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This should point to a web page where relevant documentation about the service is available.

Is defined by
has domain
Data Service c
has range
Resource c

endpoint URLop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI) (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note In the context of the KNOT Data Model, primary endpoints may often refer to specific pages within a website where data processing services can accessed and used via a dedicate web interface, as opposed to a more traditional API endpoint for example.

Is defined by
has domain
Data Service c
has range
Resource c

formatop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to the file format of the Distribution, most likely the format of the downloadable form of a dataset.

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Media Type Or Extent. c

generatedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as crmdig:L11_had_output within the academic provenance segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has domain
Activity c
has range
Entity c

had inputop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of D7 Digital Machine Event with an instance of D1 Digital Object which is the input used to specify the machine action.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as prov:used within the cultural heritage segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-properties
P16 used specific object op
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
D1 Digital Object c

had outputop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of D7 Digital Machine Event with an instance of D1 Digital Object which is the output of the activity.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as prov:generated within the cultural heritage segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has sub-properties
has created op
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
D1 Digital Object c

has createdop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property identifies a Data Object that came into existence as a result of a D11 Digital Measurement Event.

Usage Note This property uses the superclass of D11 in the context of the KNOT Data Model (based on CIDOC CRM's inheritance system) to describe the result of a digitization process.

Is defined by
has super-properties
had output op
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
D9 Data Object c

has partop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This is the most general predicate for membership of a catalog. Use of a more specific sub-property is recommended (dcat:dataset, dcat:service) when available (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has sub-properties
dataset op, service op
has domain
Catalogue c

has unitop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Indicates a unit which is part of this Organization, e.g. a Department within a larger Organization.

Usage Note should be used to link departments and reserch labs to their holding organizations, such as universities.

Is defined by
has domain
Organization c
has range
Organizational Unit c

has versionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a related Dataset that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described Dataset (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note Can be used to indicate versioning of a dataset / research output within the same research project or to refer to datasets / research outputs created by other research projects that adapt it. For any other relations between datasets / outputs use dct:relation.

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Dataset c

homepageop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a web page that acts as the main page for the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Resource c
has range
Document c

is aboutop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property documents that an instance of E89 Propositional Object has as subject an instance of E1 CRM Entity.

Usage Note should be used to connect instances of F3 Manifestation (subclass of E89) to their subject, and is intended to help connect research activity and outputs to the cultural heritage entities they use.

Is defined by
has domain
F3 Manifestatiion c
has range
E1 CRM Entity c

is composed ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of E90 Symbolic Object with a part of it that is by itself an instance of E90 Symbolic Object, such as fragments of texts or clippings from an image.

Usage Note should be used to denote structural links between digital objects (instances of D1, a subclass of E90) that are outputs of research projects (D7 Digital Machine Event) such as a website that contains a dataset.

Is defined by

has characteristics: asymmetric, transitive

has domain
D1 Digital Object c
has range
D1 Digital Object c

is materialization ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of F3 Manifestation with an instance of F5 Item that is one of its exemplars or its only exemplar.

Usage Note Usage and definition of this property are based on the LRMoo v0.9 specifications.

Is defined by
has domain
F5 Item c
has range
F3 Manifestatiion c

is referenced byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is about a related resource, such as a publication, that references, cites, or otherwise points to the dataset (DCAT AP documentation),

Usage Note Should be used to connect a dataset to relevant academic publications. In the case that there are multiple publications a link to a page that collects details of all existing publication about a project is appropriate.

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has domain
Dataset c or Activity c
has range
Resource c

is version ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a related Dataset of which the described Dataset is a version, edition, or adaptation (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note Can be used similarly to dct:hasVersion in an inverse manner.

Is defined by
has super-properties
relation op
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Dataset c

landing pageop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information. It is intended to point to a landing page at the original data provider, not to a page on a site of a third party, such as an aggregator (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This property should be prioritised over foaf:page with the latter only used if the page it points to provides meaningful additional information not included in the page used for dcat:landingPage (such as how the Dataset was notated, sourced etc.).

Is defined by
has super-properties
page op
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Document c

languageop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A language of the item. This refers to the natural language used for textual metadata (i.e. titles, descriptions, etc) of a cataloged resource (i.e. dataset or service) or the textual values of a dataset distribution (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c or Catalogue Record c or Dataset c or Distribution c
has range
Linguistic System c

licenseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to the licence under which the subject class is made available and can be used or reused (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note In the case of multiple licenses applying to one research project - for example one license for the website and its content and another for a dataset (or distribution, or service) - refer to the class definitions to ascertain which license should be attached to which class. A practical example: a research project features three licenses, one for the text on its website (dcat:Catalog), one for a dataset distributed as a .csv (dcat:Dataset, dcat:Distribution), and one for a service on its website that allows manipulation of the dataset (dcat:DataService).

Is defined by
has super-properties
rights op
has domain
Catalogue c or Data Service c or Dataset c or Distribution c
has range
license op max 1 License Document c

other identifierop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a secondary identifier of the Dataset, such as MAST/ADS , DataCite , DOI , EZID or W3ID (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note This property should be used for external identifiers.

Is defined by
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Identifier c

pageop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a page or document about the subject class. (DCAT AP documentation).

Usage Note For the dcat:Dataset class dcat:landingpage is preferred and foaf:page should be reserved when a page provides additional, meaningful information about the Dataset (such as how the Dataset was notated, sourced etc.). For the dcat:Distribution class a similar logic applies where dcat:accessURL is preferred and foaf:page should only be used if some meaningful information is available, especially as it relates to the distribution (for example how to access/use the contents of the downloaded file).

This property refers to a page or document about the subject class. (DCAT AP documentation).
Is defined by
has sub-properties
landing page op
has domain
Dataset c or Distribution c
has range
Document c

primary topicop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The resource described in the record. Each catalog record can have at most one primary topic i.e. describes one dataset or service (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Catalogue Record c
has range
(primary topic op max 1 Catalogue c) or (primary topic op max 1 Data Service c) or (primary topic op max 1 Dataset c)

publisherop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to the entity responsible for making the subject class available (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c or Dataset c
has range
Agent c

recordop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c
has range
Catalogue Record c

relationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a related resource (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has sub-properties
conforms to op, distribution op, has part op, has version op, is referenced by op, is version of op
has domain
Dataset c
has range
Resource c

rightsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A statement that concerns all rights not addressed with dct:license or dct:accessRights, such as copyright statements (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has sub-properties
access rights op, license op
has domain
Catalogue c or Catalogue Record c or Dataset c or Distribution c
has range
Rights Statement c

serves datasetop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a collection of data that this data service can distribute.

Is defined by
has domain
Data Service c
has range
Dataset c

serviceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has super-properties
has part op
has domain
Catalogue c
has range
Data Service c

spatialop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a geographic region that is covered by the Dataset (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c or Dataset c
has range
Location c

statusop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle. It MUST take one of the values Completed, Deprecated, Under Development, Withdrawn from the ADMS vocabulary (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Concept c

subjectop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Included as the superproperty for dcat:theme.

Is defined by
has sub-properties
theme op
has domain

temporalop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The temporal period that the dataset covers (W3C DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c or Dataset c
has range
Period of Time c

themeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A main category of the resource. A resource can have multiple themes (W3C DCAT documentation).

Usage Note For Catalog class use values from the Ambiti Disciplinari controlled vocabulary to note the academic discipline(s) the research project falls under and values from a relevant authority for the research project's primary subject (VIAF, Wikidata etc.), such as for example a historical figure; for the DataService class it uses values from the Tadirah research activity taxonomy and the KNOT controlled vocabularies (if applicable); for the Dataset class it uses values from the EU Data Theme authority table and the Tadirah taxonomy.

Is defined by
has super-properties
subject op
has domain
Catalogue c or Data Service c or Dataset c
has range
Concept c

theme taxonomyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to a knowledge organization system used to classify the Catalogue's Datasets (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c
has range
Concept Scheme c

took place atop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property describes the spatial location of an instance of E4 Period. The related instance of E53 Place should be seen as a wider approximation of the geometric area within which the phenomena that characterise the period in question occurred.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as prov:atLocation within the cultural heritage segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
E53 Place c

typeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The nature or genre of the Dataset or Data Service (W3C DCAT documentation).

Usage Note Uses values from the KNOT controlled vocabularies.

Is defined by
has domain
Data Service c or Dataset c
has range
Concept c

usedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity.

Usage Note This property can be used to connect an activity to concepts as well as things. It enables similar descriptions as crmdig:L10_had_input within the academic provenance segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Activity c
has range
Entity c

used as sourceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of D10 Software Execution with an instance of D1 Digital Object which is used as a source, software essential for the performance.

Usage Note This property should be used to describe software driven processes or activities within a research project.

Is defined by
has domain
D10 Software Execution c
has range
D1 Digital Object c

used software or firmwareop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates an instance of D7 Digital Machine Event with the instance of D14 Software that it used.

Usage Note Can be used to describe the IT infrastructure of a research project activity in combination with values from the KNOT Technology Thesaurus.

Is defined by
has super-properties
P16 used specific object op
has domain
D7 Digital Machine Event c
has range
D14 Software c

P16 used specific objectop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property describes the use of material or immaterial things in a way essential to the performance or the outcome of an instance of E7 Activity. This property typically applies to tools, instruments, moulds, raw materials and items embedded in a product. It implies that the presence of the object in question was a necessary condition for the action. For example, the activity of writing this text required the use of a computer. An immaterial thing can be used if at least one of its carriers is present. For example, the software tools on a computer. It is included as the super property of L10 had input.

Is defined by
has sub-properties
had input op, used software or firmware op
has domain
E7 Activity c
has range
E70 Thing c

valueop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Provides a value that is a direct representation of an entity.

Is defined by
has domain
Entity c
has range
Literal or anyURI c

was associated withop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


An activity association is an assignment of responsibility to an agent for an activity, indicating that the agent had a role in the activity. It further allows for a plan to be specified, which is the plan intended by the agent to achieve some goals in the context of this activity.

Usage Note This property enables similar descriptions as dct:creator/publisher and crm:P14_carried_out_by within the academic provenance segment of the KNOT Data Model. Please see the Data Model documentation for full details of how KNOT makes use of classes and properties that relate to similar concepts but refer to specific conceptual definitions.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Activity c
has range
Agent (PROV-O) c

was derived fromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.

Usage Note Can be used for a more detailed description of how two entities produced or used by a research project are related through the concept of derivation.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Entity c
has range
Entity c

was generated byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property refers to an activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset (DCAT AP documentation, see prov:generated for PROV-O definition).

Usage Note This property is used to connect the public data segment of the KNOT Data Model to the provenance segment, where the activities that generated the data can be further detailed.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Catalogue c or Dataset c or Data Service c or Entity c
has range
Activity c

was influenced byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Influence is the capacity of an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation.

Usage Note Can be used for a more detailed description of how two entities and/or activities are related through the concept of influence, if derivation or informed is not applicable. For example, academic research projects may be inspired by the works of an author or by activities of another research group which could be described as a form of influence.

Is defined by
has sub-properties
acted on behalf of op, used op, was associated with op, was derived from op, was generated by op, was informed by op
has domain
Activity c or Agent (PROV-O) c or Entity c
has range
Activity c or Agent (PROV-O) c or Entity c

was informed byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity using the entity generated by the other.

Usage Note The range of this property has been extended to include instances of D7 from the CRM DIG model to enable the description of relationships between the research project as an overall activity (prov:Activity) and specific activities (or tasks) that happen within it, such as for example the digitization of physical objects, and which are described using the CRM DIG model.

Is defined by
has super-properties
was influenced by op
has domain
Activity c
has range
Activity c or D7 Digital Machine Event c

P2 has typeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property allows sub typing of CIDOC CRM entities –a form of specialisation – through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus.

Usage Note This property is included in KNOT-DM to attach concepts from controlled vocabularies to instances of D7, D1, and E18.

Is defined by
has domain
E1 CRM Entity c
has range
E55 Type c or Concept c

member ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Indicates that a person is a member of the Organization with no indication of the nature of that membership or the role played. Note that the choice of property name is not meant to limit the property to only formal membership arrangements, it is also indended to cover related concepts such as affilliation or other involvement in the organization.

Usage Note This property is included in KNOT-DM to enable the description of affiliation within the Public Data Segment.

Is defined by
has domain
Agent c
has range
Organization c

Data Properties

abstractdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A summary of the resource.

has super-properties
description dp
has domain
Ontology c
has range

byte sizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property contains the size of a Distribution in bytes (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Distribution c
has range

descriptiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has sub-properties
abstract dp
has domain
Catalogue c or Data Service c or Dataset c or Distribution c
has range

ended atdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The time at which an activity ended.

Usage Note This should generally reference the year (and month and/or date) that work on a research project ended.
Is defined by
has domain
Activity c
has range

identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property contains the main identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Dataset c
has range

issueddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the item (DCAT documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Resource c
has range

keyworddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A keyword or tag describing the resource (W3C DCAT documentation).

Usage Note This property should be used after dcat:theme and dct:type to attach anything that isn't covered by those properties and is relevant to the description of the resource.

Is defined by
has domain
Catalogue c or Data Service c or Dataset c
has range

modifieddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property contains the date on which the subject class was changed or modified. (DCAT AP documentation).

Is defined by
has domain
Resource c
has range

preferred labeldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Is defined by
has domain
Organization c or Organizational Unit c
has range

started atdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The time at which an activity started.

Usage Note This should generally reference the year (and month and/or date) that work on a research project began.

Is defined by
has domain
Activity c
has range

titledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has domain
Resource c
has range

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties

References back to ToC

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.